october 2023
If you think that it is impossible to touch the heart with sound...
Hall Solemn
Military Academy
«Feelings flooded in»
«Music takes you to the clouds»
october 2023
Hall Solemn Military Academy
if you think that
it is impossible to touch
the heart with sound...
«Feelings flooded in»
«Music takes you to the clouds»
«Fresh, modern, unforgettable, emotional» - that's what listeners say after his concerts.

The  show of the contemporary composer George Licheli is an impact on all the senses – sound, light, emotion, vibration of live sound. Each composition is a whole story..

The orchestra, the virtuoso conductor and the composer himself at the piano make the audience forget for an hour and a half and get lost in the depths of feelings and emotions.
The music will send listeners to Georgia, China, the Emirates, and even to the ice floes of Antarctica. The audience will find themselves in a mysterious space, watch the wonders of nature. And all this under the composer's compositions in the neoclassical style.
A  orchestra combined with electronic sounds is for aesthetes who are looking fornew sensations.  "Fresh, modern, unforgettable, emotional" – this is what the listeners say after the concert.
october 2023
if you think that it is impossible to touch the heart with sound...
Hall Solemn
Military Academy
«Feelings flooded in»
«it's incredibly beautiful and heartfelt»
«music takes you to the clouds»
october 2023
Hall Solemn Military Academy
if you think that
it is impossible to touch
the heart with sound...
«Feelings flooded in»
«Music takes you to the clouds»
«it's incredibly beautiful and heartfelt"